
Original Methods of Teaching Psychology Degrees in American Colleges

Thinking about studying the human mind for about four years or so? Well, there’s probably nothing more fascinating than figuring out what’s going on in people’s heads.

Okay, you won’t become psychic, but you’ll probably understand better than anyone else why people react the way they do, or why they can sometimes be overly judgmental or make rash decisions. Not only will you fully understand people, but you will also help them regain mental health, overcome problems, and regain a positive outlook on life.

The best and right start to a career as a psychologist is to apply for a bachelor’s degree in psychology , and there is probably no better place to study this interesting field than the United States .

First, because you have so many psychology schools and colleges to choose from and different specializations in this field, and second, because you can choose a wide range of career options after graduation.

One interesting approach to studying psychology is available at Stanford University, where students have the opportunity to choose to major in psychology from the beginning of their studies. Psychology majors include:

Cognitive Sciences.
Health and development
Mind, culture, and society
psychology degree

Other interesting examples reflecting the innovative style of teaching psychology programs at American institutions of higher education are those from the University of Michigan and Columbia University.

At the University of Michigan, students worked with professors to study the effects of Facebook and other social media on people’s self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.

Columbia’s psychology department has received several grants and awards in the field for outstanding research in psychology. At Columbia, students can take part in laboratory research and find answers to questions such as how do people make moral decisions or how do people validate their religious beliefs?

These are just a few examples, as all universities in the United States are focused on providing students with unique learning experiences and helping them gain a broad understanding of the field of psychology.